We will be running virtual programming only for our Fall Semester, and we look forward to safely rehearsing together, in-person, for our Spring Semester.
We are excited about the innovative, engaging, immersive, and musically-enriching programs that YOBC students will experience this Fall Semester. So how does this work?
For the Fall Semester, all YOBC students will participate in Ensemble Prelude and select two electives.
You must be enroll in the 20-21 season to participate in the Fall 2020 semester.
If you are a newly accepted or returning student and have not yet enrolled,, click here to enroll for the 20-21 season.

Ensemble Prelude
Each YOBC student will participate in our Ensemble Prelude program where they will meet virtually with their YOBC band and/or orchestra ensemble(s) on September 13th and October 25th.
Students will gain insights and receive practice advice about their ensemble repertoire, while having a chance to connect with their YOBC ensemble and conductor!

Every student will select two (2) electives to participate in. We have partnered with Project 440 and the Collective Conservatory, to bring you the best possible programming. These nationally known programs provide exciting, innovative, and engaging experiences. These classes will only be open to YOBC students. Additionally, our virtual mini classes, led by YOBC faculty, will help our younger musicians gain a strong foundation in some important musical skills.
Elective selection is due by September 10th.
Click here for detailed descriptions of our Fall 2020 Elective offerings.
For more information about Fall 2020 at YOBC
Click on one of the buttons below or contact the YOBC Office at info.yobc@gmail.com
YOBC is still accepting new applications and video auditions for our 20 – 21 season.
To apply, click here to fill out an application.
You must be enrolled in the 20-21 season to participate in the Fall 2020 semester.
If you are a newly accepted or returning student and have not yet enrolled, click here to enroll for the 20-21 season.