- Play with good posture and playing position.
- Use all four fingers of the left hand (including fourth finger) equally effectively.
- Demonstrate developing vibrato skills.
- Play in tune in first and third positions (violin and viola), first through fourth position (cello), and half through fourth position (bass).
- Have some familiarity with higher positions.
- Play in tune in major and minor keys through three sharps and three flats.
- Produce a good tone in a variety of dynamic ranges and tempo.
- Comfortably employ a variety of bow strokes including:
- détaché
- martelé
- spiccato
- portato
- slurs
- hooked bowing
- Play passages that include running sixteenth notes at a tempo of at least 112 beats per minute.
- Accurately Interpret common rhythms found in simple and compound meters.
- Demonstrate respect for themselves, their peers, their conductor, and the music-making process.