Please complete this short form to let us know which option you want for each tour participant in your family. Email Number of Tour Participants in Your Family OneTwoThreeFour Full name of tour participant one * Reimbursement Choice I would like to remain on the tour roster and participate in the YOBC 2021 Concert Tour of Italy. I request that my recovered amount be applied to the YOBC 2021 Italy Tour. This amount will be equal to the total I paid towards tour costs minus $237 per person. I understand that my Travel Insurance will be fully refunded. I request my reimbursement be refunded to me at this time. This amount will be equal to the total I paid towards tour costs minus $237 per person. Travel insurance will be fully refunded. If you have chosen to receive a reimbursement check, please list the name and address of the person to receive the reimbursement. (DO NOT fill out if you are applying all of the refund to the 2021 tour.) Name Address City State Zip Code